/ Open a bank account


bank account

If you do not have a Portuguese or Spanish bank account, you will need to open one. Currently, INL has agreements with Novo Banco, Activo Banco, Santander Totta and Millennium BCP. If your bank of selection is among these, you can contact your HR Partner, and they will ensure that you have a meeting with a dedicated account manager who will provide all the information needed and guide you through the process.

Required documents*:

  • Passport or ID

  • Document stating your NIF / tax identification number

  • INL employment declaration

* If you have proof of residence (a document provided by your landlord, real estate agency or parish), you should bring this to provide your address to the bank. Other documents might be requested depending on the bank of your choosing.

Click here for the conditions: Novo Banco, Activo Banco and Santander Totta.