Finding a place to live is one of the most important tasks before arriving in Braga. You should start looking for a place as soon as you accept the job offer at INL.

Below, you will find some websites with real estate offers in Braga:

You can also contact your HR Partner, who may have some other options for you.

Proof of Residence

Once you find a residence in Braga, you will need to get an official Residence Certificate (called “Atestado de Residência”), which you obtain from the parish where your residence is located.

Documents usually needed*:

  • Passport or ID (original and copy);

  • Legal/Rental Agreement;

  • House or Flat rent bill;

  • Communication of lease agreement (Modelo 2) – this is the tax model landlords need to fill in to declare to the Tax Authorities their house/apartment is being leased;

*Depending on the parish, some of the documents listed might not be needed and/or some other documents might be requested.

If you have your family with you, you will also need to bring their passports with you.

Please check the parish of your residence and the opening hours of the office here.

After getting your Residence Certificate, you need to update your address and upload the proof of residence in the INLer Portal. To do so, please go to “Personal Information” and, on the top right corner, choose “Edit” to add the address to the “Identification” part.

If applicable, this action will conclude the requirements for the “Installation Indemnity” benefit, and you will receive this form to complete and send back to HR.